Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This is What Love in Action Looks Like

Morgan Jon Fox recently created a blog for the film This is What Love in Action Looks Like and the other day I blogged about ways co-producer, Bruce Garrett and I have been trying to raise funds (including forcing Marvin into secretarial services.) (Daniel Gonzales left me a cryptic text message about the role of a Hollywood executive director, but it sounded more like fodder from an overwrought mind longing for the West Coast after moving to the mountains of Colorado. Maybe Joe G knows what Daniel is alluding to. Us North-East Quakers are out of the loop I guess.)

Over at the film's blog, you can now donate via PayPal. The money goes to the editing of the film and costs associated with licensing.

Hmmmm, maybe Willie Hewes will auction off a panel of her amazing work! (hint hint) You must read Willie's tender comic The Suckiest Angel and of course the now famous comic Free Z, which was inspired by the events that led to the 2005 protests.

You can see the trailer for the film about the ex-gay camp and the inspirational protests that ensued in the summer of 2005. The is a lovely film by itself that you can check out here.

So even if it is just $5, please consider helping Morgan out with this film. I believe it is the sort of encouraging and moving story that the world needs to hear right about now.

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At 2:35 PM , Blogger Dan said...

How much for an executive producer credit?

::wink wink::

[/hollywood snark]

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Dan said...

Oops, my apologies it turns out that "associate producer" credits are the ones that don't actually mean anything. If Morgan tries to stick you with one of those tell him you know better :P

At 5:27 PM , Blogger Willie Hewes said...

Ah, yes, hang on, I'm only just catching up to this. Go Morgan! Whoo!

Um, how does this sound:

A signed copy of the $2 Free Z booklet printed in glorious red white and black, along with a copy of the original handmade mini comic, a concept sketch for the cover and the two original drawings that went into the cover (ink and charcoal on Bristol board). I can take some pictures. :3

I can also offer the inside panel art and lettering, but they're pretty messy. Still got them though. :) Let me know what you think.

At 7:57 PM , Blogger Brian said...

Though Dan, often times "executive producer" credit means "I'm the one with the money" so Peterson, if your fundraising efforts don't work out, looks like you might be footing the bill;)


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